At Alpine, our company culture is critical to our success. We believe how we do our jobs and why we do our jobs, are just as important as what we do.
We operate with a clear set of values guiding all our behaviors, decisions and actions. Our values may change over time to best represent who we are today, who we aspire to be, and how we evolve.
Think Beyond Yourself
We do what is best for the organization, the community, and/or our team, while being mindful of ourselves
We work to understand another’s perspective and to include the opinions of others in our decision-making
We are curious, inspired by others and display gratitude
We collaborate broadly and inclusively to generate the best ideas
Act Like An Owner
We are passionate about our mission, our impact, and the success of our business. We don’t trade our time or talent for compensation.
We are committed to the wellbeing of the business and our fellow employees and excited about our future
We make decisions that are best for the company, and we take full responsibility for outcomes
We do what we say we’re going to do and act with integrity
Always Improve
We seek better and more efficient ways to conduct business, both large and small, remaining flexible to whatever changes may come
We strategically solve problems for our company and our clients
We question ourselves, reflect, and listen to others with an open mind as we are committed to our own personal development
We provide feedback with candor and compassion as we support others in their growth
Default to Transparency
We strive to communicate clearly and truthfully
We share information early, even if we don’t have all the answers, to avoid big revelations on the back-end
We are honest and authentic with our thoughts and feelings while respectful of others
We view transparency as an effective way to be, involve others and establish trust
Rise Above
We react to difficult situations with respect for others
We assume good intent
We spend our time, energy and awareness on the things that truly matter
We don’t bicker or play politics – we always do what’s best for our team, our company and our planet